Our law firm collaborates with a mediator within out-of-court settlement of disputes; the mediator is registered in the list maintained by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic and offers clients an alternative form of dispute resolution through mediation as stipulated in applicable provisions of Act No. 420/2004 Coll. on Mediation as amended.
During mediation, the mediator acts as an independent and neutral third party to help the parties to the dispute find a common solution to their conflict. The outcome to be achieved through mediation is a mutually beneficial agreement based on the needs and interests of both parties.
Advantages of mediation:
- lower costs – if mediation is successful, there is an opportunity to achieve savings on remedies or other enforcement;
- speed and time savings – mediation is without delays or any opportunities for appeals or other remedies;
- voluntary nature – a key condition of mediation. The parties themselves agree to use the option to settle their dispute through mediation and have the opportunity to end the mediation process at any of its phases;
- confidentiality of information – obtained during the mediation process;
- discretion – meetings with the mediator are only attended by the parties to the dispute or their legal counsel, unless the agree otherwise with the mediator;
- preservation of a business reputation and their good name;
- creative and flexible soutions – that the parties themselves propose to reach a mutually acceptable solution.
Laurinská 4
811 01 Bratislava
Slovenská republika